• <p>Almdudler Almrauschparty beim LGBTQ* Festival Pink Lake am Wörthersee im Schloss Leonstain in Pörschach.</p>
    Party history is made here The hottest LGBTQ* event in the south

Durex Club Night at the Saag factory Friday, 25.8.2023

Klara & Syphia This is Pink Lake - this is us!

That was PINK LAKE 2022

Pink Lake Beach Club 2023

Boat Cruise Party 2023 Saturday, 26.8.2023

Durex Club Night at the Saag factory Friday, 25.8.2023

Klara & Syphia Comments on and from the Durex Club Night

Sound bites from the factory in Saag.

Almdudler Almrausch party at Leonstain Castle Thursday, 24.8.2023

Klara & Syphia Comments on and from the Almdudler Almrausch party

Our roving reporters Klara and Syphia naturally captured the legendary atmosphere at the Almdudler Almrausch party again this year!

Welcome party & fire show at the Parkhotel Pörtschach Thursday, 24.8.2023

That was PINK LAKE 2022

Almdudler Almrausch party Thursday, 25.8.2022

Klara & Syphia Comments on and from the Almdudler Almrausch party

Our roving reporters Klara and Syphia were out and about at the Almdudler Almrausch party and captured the legendary atmosphere for you!

Kinky Club Night in the factory Friday, 26.8.2022

Klara & Syphia Comments on and from the Kinky Club Night at the Fabrik

The original soundtrack to the Kinky Club Night at the Fabrik.

Boat Cruise Party Saturday, 27.8.2022

Klara & Syphia Voices on and from the Boat Cruise Party 2022

For all landlubbers, here are some votes for the Boat Cruise Party!

Beach Club Pink Island

That was PINK LAKE 2021

THIS was the Pink Lake LGBTQ* Festival 2021!

Drag queens Klara Mydia and Syphia Lis interviewed our festival guests:

Thursday, August 26, 2021 Almdudler Almrausch party

Klara & Syphia Lederhosen or kilt?

Our roving reporters Klara and Syphia were out and about at the Almdudler Almrausch party and captured the legendary atmosphere for you!

Friday, August 27, 2021 Club Night & Monte Carlo Square

Saturday, August 28, 2021 Boat Cruise Party

Flower Island Pörtschach Beach Club 2021

That was PINK LAKE 2019

Party - party - party! THAT was Pink Lake 2019!

We want to whet your appetite for the next festival with a few pictures from the last one 😉.

You can find more pictures, videos and information on Facebook (Pink Lake Wörthersee) and Instagram (@pinklakewoerthersee).

Impressions from the Pink Island!

That was the Pink Lake ALMRAUSCHPARTY 2019!

That was the Pink Lake BOAT CRUISE PARTY 2019!

That was the Pink Lake CLUB NIGHT at the FABRIK 2019!

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