• <p>Keine altgewohnte Stadtkulisse, sondern ein internationales Get-Together für Gays, Lesben, alle dazwischen und deren Freunde,… aus unterschiedlichen Ländern direkt am Wörthersee!&nbsp;</p>
    #pinklakefestival It's time to see

Soul fragrance and energetic glass bead jewelry

Soul fragrances can guide you to a life in harmony with your soul. With her 100% natural organic fragrances Diana Zenz wants to support you to balance your energy centers and to find completely into your power and center.

Gabriele Ritter-Wippel's glass chakra jewelry to support your energy centers. Handcrafted glass art using high quality materials.

Chakra scents and aura sprays

Scents that touch your soul

Soul fragrances can guide you to a life in harmony with your soul. With my 100% natural organic fragrances I would like to support you to balance your energy centers and to find your power and center.

The chakra perfumes of all seven basic chakras are available in a practical roll-on. So you can apply them specifically to the chakras. Protective scents like Yin or Yang Protection or meditation scents like Gate Opener can be sprayed directly into your aura.

Diana Zenz

Dipl. Aroma Practitioner, Soul Scent Coach, Life and Social Counselor, Relaxation Educator

As a certified aroma practitioner and soul scent coach, I enthusiastically support people on their journey to themselves.

I love to combine natural plant scents into unique fragrance compositions. I now draw from an arsenal of more than 200 natural plant essential oils from which I create soul fragrance blends with profound effects.

My creations range from aphrodisiac love scents to activating chakra scents and aura sprays. The fragrances themselves have an effect on the deeper level of the subconscious. They are therefore powerful companions in any kind of personal development processes.

I have been practicing yoga and meditation for more than 20 years. Since I developed the chakra scents, I incorporate them into my daily practice.

My vision is to accompany people in finding themselves completely again. My energetic fragrance creations lovingly touch your soul and help to bring it back to its very own vibration. The scents can support you in releasing your potentials and powers to live the best version of yourself.

Born in Berlin, I now live in Grambach near Graz in Austria with my husband, the soul gardener Alfred Zenz.

Website: www.seelenduft.at

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diana.zenz

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.at/dianazenz9095



"Because fragrance touches your soul."

Energetic glass jewelry by Gabriele Ritter-Wippel

Glass creations - jewelry from glass - that inspires

Glass chakra jewelry to support your energy centers. Handcrafted glass art using high quality materials.

Chakra-scented jewelry together with Diana Zenz from

www.seelenduft.com - Chakra Pendant + Chakra Fragrance

CELEBRATE YOUR VISION vision jewelry for women, as an anchor for their vision and to keep them in the energy of their vision.



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